How Saago helped Hades Geodeesia consolidate their processes and improve visibility

What does Hades Geodeesia do?

Hades Geodeesia is a company established by Estonian capital and specialists. They collect, process and transmit information based on spatial talents to clients operating in the lifecycle of a property. 

A couple of years ago, Hades Geodeesia developed a brand called 3Di which develops innovative solutions in geodesy with the goal of making construction data visual and easy to understand and therefore helping to create trust in the whole value chain of construction. 

Both Hades Geodeesia and 3Di have worked on several big projects such as shopping centre T1, Tallinn Prison, Tornimäe Twin Towers, SEB headquarters in Tornimäe, Estonian National Museum and The National Archives of Estonia. At the moment, they are working on the Rail Baltica project. 

Why did Hades Gedoeesia choose Saago? 

Angelina Jerjomina, "We needed a solution which would help unify how the organisation works and found Saago."

Hades Geodeesia had some previous experience using smart solutions to automate their workflows using another software. The decision to replace the previous software was mainly due to the fact that it only met the needs of one specific team while Hades Geodeesia needed a solution which would help consolidate the processes in the entire organisation. 

While no one in the company remembers exactly how they stumbled upon Saago in the first place, they recall that the final decision was made for three main reasons: quick communication, Saago’s willingness to find solutions and comfortable environment. 

Quick communication and Saago’s willingness to find solutions turned out to be particularly important here. It became clear during testing that Hades Geodeesia cannot prepare invoices in Saago’s environment the way they had become accustomed to before. Since the invoices had to be sent to the customers by the end of the month, Saago quickly helped create a solution which enabled all tasks to be consolidated into invoices and sent to their customers in time. Since the solution was made available, it has become popular among other Saago users as well.  

Act with confirmers signature generated through Saago

What are Hades Geodeesia’s recommendations to start using new software? 

One of the key things which determines the smoothness of the onboarding process is the previous experience of the users. Teams within Hades who had previous experience using similar software had a much easier transition than those who previously used Excel and other office programs. 

Angelina Jerjomina who is a 3D construction geodesy specialist and project manager, played a major role in introducing Saago within the company by preparing various training materials and organising training sessions for each team taking into account their specific use cases and needs. 

But even with all the materials and training, the transition did not take place overnight. They moved forward step by step allowing everybody time to get used to the new software and solve any questions. In some cases they also had to change some internal processes. From what we have seen among our partners, moving forward in gradual steps is usually the best way for onboarding, especially in a company with many different teams and approaches. 

Since January 2024, all teams in the company are using only Saago. According to Angelina this has improved the understanding between the teams around their properties and customers since they are now using the same database to collect all the information. 

Which modules are mostly used by Hades Geodeesia? 

Overview of Saago's modules along with a brief description of each

Currently, there are 11 different modules available in Saago which among other things allow you to manage issues and tasks related to your objects, create maintenance schedules, prepare quotations and compile object history in one central place. The latter is one of Saago's greatest values for Hades, because Hades Geodesia deals with building geodetic services throughout the building's life cycle, and storing history of a building in a unified environment is of highest importance.

Angelina would recommend Saago to companies working with buildings throughout their lifespan, because Saago allows you to conveniently manage day-to-day tasks and at the same time store all the information related to the tasks.

Although creating tasks and storing all the history are some of the most important functionalities, in reality, Hades uses all of Saago’s different modules. When one of the modules would be suddenly removed, the system would not work from them anymore. 

For example, the analytic module plays an important role in their payroll because it allows you to download exact working hours and time spent on different tasks, the calendar allows you to keep an eye on all the current and incoming work orders and through the acts module, Hades can send out invoices for their customers. 

Software development is a continuous dialogue with our partners

When adding new features, it is important for Saago to introduce them to existing customers. For example, it is possible to open a web form by scanning a QR code. Through this web form, clients can submit issues. It works very well in shopping centres where tenants can inform the building manager if something needs to be done. However, Hades Geodeesia sees the potential to use the QR code in a slightly different manner - for their customers to simply request a quotation via an online form.

Web form can be opened via QR-code or link

Using Saago on a daily basis, our partners come up with thoughts and ideas on how to use the existing functionality from a different angle or add completely new solutions to the idea pool. These can be small solutions, such as changing the location of some buttons or making some fields more prominent, but we have also discussed new modules. For example, Hades Geodesia would find  it beneficial having a separate module through which they could ask feedback from their customers with functionality for the feedback to be stored, organised and analysed through Saago. We thoroughly discuss all such thoughts internally at Saago, and it often happens that they also find their way into our development plan.
